Archive for the 'Cardio Tennis' Category
For those of you who were not able to attend the PTR’s Professional Development Weekend, you missed out on an amazing conference and venue! The Professional Development Weekend (PDW) was held for the first time outside of Hilton Head at the Hyatt Regency Grand Cypress, located in Orlando, Florida (next to Walt Disney World!). To […]
October 12th, 2010 | Posted in Cardio Tennis, PTR, Tennis | Comments Off on PTR + PDW + Orlando = “An Amazing Educational Experience”
Ever since my good friend Doug Eng attended the first Etcheberry Experience course, I have always wanted to attend myself. Unfortunately I could never align my schedule to make it work until this past February. I was really excited that I could finally attend and become an “Etcheberry Certified” instructor. The Etcheberry Experience is a […]
June 11th, 2010 | Posted in Cardio Tennis, PTR | Comments Off on Getting fit the Etcheberry way!
The PTR Symposium is fast approaching with plenty of Cardio Tennis activities! Cardio Tennis Morning Workouts will be held on: Sunday February 14th, 7:15am – 8:30am Monday February 15th, 7:45am – 9:00am Wednesday February 17th, 7:45am – 9:00am Thursday February 18th, 7:45am – 9:00am The Cardio Tennis Feeding Shootout will be held Tuesday February 16th […]
February 6th, 2010 | Posted in Cardio Tennis, PTR | Comments Off on Cardio Tennis activities at the PTR Symposium
The USPTA New England section held their annual Spring conference May 16-18 at Stratton Mountain Vermont. There were two sessions featuring Cardio Tennis. Friday the Cardio Tennis Feeding Shootout competition was held. We had 16 participants. Congratulations go out to Brian Morissette who won with a score of 32 and runner-up Spritely Roche with a […]
May 20th, 2008 | Posted in Cardio Tennis | Comments Off on Cardio Tennis featured at the USPTA New England Conference
The Cardio Tennis feeding shootout is off and running again for 2008! The shootout provides a great way for Tennis Professionals to demonstrate their feeding skills and have a chance to win prizes. The feeding shootout rules are as follows: Must be a current member of the PTR or USPTA Shoot out competitors have 60 […]
March 6th, 2008 | Posted in Cardio Tennis | Comments Off on 2008 Cardio Tennis Feeding Shootout: Are You Ready?
Well it is hard to believe that the PTR Symposium has come and gone. It was quite a week and great experience. This was to be my first trip to Hilton Head and I was looking forward to experiencing the PTR Symposium as i had heard nothing but great things from my colleagues who have […]
February 29th, 2008 | Posted in Cardio Tennis, PTR | Comments Off on Reflections on the PTR Symposium